HJT Mass Monitoring – patented tank surveillance
Remove the guessing and save money.

Mass Monitoring – keep track of the storage
It started with a problem.
Hans Jensen Transport has worked with transport and logistics of liquids and powders for more than 90 years! We know what moves in the industry, and we develop our business accordingly. Our clients expressed a demand for a reliable and easily cleaned measuring equipment, which for us kickstarted the Mass Monitoring.
Ever since the first methods for tank surveillances were produced, the applications on the market have grown rapidly. Wrong planning is expensive regarding time, money, and the environment.
Therefore, is it no longer enough to assess the tank content with the help from gut feelings or guess work. The other way around, precise data can make you capable of planning a timely loading or reloading of your tank and thereby avoid expensive delays, cleaning of the tank, and protect the environment.
Does this sound difficult? Not at all!
The measuring unit is attached on the outside of your tank and can by means of stress measurement send the exact data to our online system. You should not be burdened with draining the content for monitoring, as the cleaning of the tank can be conducted without worrying about damaging or cleaning the measuring unit.
With the HJT Mass Monitoring you get many unique advantages.
A quick and clear overview of all your silo and tank contents.
Valid data for an optimized planning of storage and purchase.
No waisted driving. With valid data the intervals and the amount of the transportations are based on real data.
Mass Monitoring releases resources for your core activities.
The user interface is easy to access with your user login and gives an intuitive and user-friendly overview.
With Mass Monitoring you get access to your data 24/7.

Valid data – no guesswork
Get a complete and precise overview.
Today, it is not enough to assess your tank content on your gut feeling. The HJT Mass Monitoring is designed to help you monitor and manage your storage.
Valid data form the basis for what matters the most to you: namely a simple, unhindered, and reliable surveillance, that helps you run your business more efficiently.